Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just need to vent today

So my daughters gril scout troop is looking for a new leader. My husband has voiced that he does not want me to do it because I am in charge of a food minstery at my church. He said doing both is too muchfor me to handle. Well in my openion, its not. I am a stay at home mother. He does not want me to get a job. He tells me that its not worth my time. So alas I stay home. So last night at the gs meeting our leader tells us she is leaving, there is a helper/assistant however you want to say it. So I agree to HELP, telling them that I will not be fully resopnsible. I try to explain this to my husband and he gets mad. Now I try very hard to be a submissive wife, but when he gets to go to work, go to help his uncle all the time, go play frisibie gofl with his cousin and then he plays magic cards with some friends. Now what is the harm in letting me be involved with girl Scouts? Its not like i will not still be a stay at home mother. No I will not get paid for it, but I will hopefully help many wonderful girls learn the girl scout way. Even though I really have no clue what I am doing. Lots of prayers are needed now. Thanks so much. I am sorry for the rant tonight, but really just needed to get it off my chest.

Sorry for misspellings. This post was typed from my Nook because my computer was already closed for the night.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Nook E-reader

So for like a half a year to a year, I researched and prayed to figure out if I really wanted to drop that kind of money on one. So when we got our taxes this year, I just decided that I was going to do it!!! So then I had to make the decision on which one to get. Again after much research I finally decided on the Nook Color. I was not going to get the color one simply because it was $100 more that the regular Nook. I am so happy that a friend of mine talked me into the color one. The extra $100 was WELL worth it. I have read like 2 maybe 3 full (200-300 page) novels, and about 4 (70-90 page) short books. Not to mention that my 2 year old loves that there are like 3 little books on there JUST FOR HIM! I did buy some books. The only ones I have bought are cookbooks and I got full CD of them from Ebay. I think at this time I have 178 books on there and about 85 of them are cookbooks. I have not bough ONE single novel or short book for it!!! There is a place that will post books all the time. They cost anywhere from FREE to $4.99. Of course I will say it again, I have not bought any. I think for me it was a very wise investment. Yes (tax and all) I paid $279 (I think) but when I can lay in my bed and read without bothering my son and husband, I am a very happy person. It is back lit just like a computer, but I look at the computer most of the day anyways. So if you are in the market for one, think about the Nook Color. It is wonderful for ME.

here is the link for where I get my books for free:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Picky eating

I have such picky eating kids. My 7 year old does not like hamburger meat. So anything I make with HB meat, I have to either fix his before I put the meat in, or just dont give him the meat at all. None of my family likes veggies much. I mean we can get some corn, and some green beans, but really no one eats GOOD veggies. It frustrates me, but what can I do. I mean I know that there are people that will force their kids to eat them (and that is YOUR choice) but I am not like that. I was forced to eat them as a child and HATED it. I would love to cook healthier food, but I know that they will not eat eat it. So why waste money? So we eat things like Spaghetti, lasagna, meat loaf, pork chops (which he will not eat either unless forced) and most all the time I make mac & cheese, potatoes, corn (either on cob or cream style), chicken style rice, and green beans. So it us usually the same things all the time. One gets sick of that after a while. So last night I made meat loaf, and my son walks in the kitchen and says, "Mommy I really dont feel like eating supper tonight. I dont want to. Is that ok?" Of course I said, "No you will be eating tonight."
The poor kid really does not like eating the meat. So I am wondering how many of you moms/dads out there have ery picky kids too? What kind of meals do you fix that dont cost too much, and are made with most of the food we normally buy all the time? I am kinda sick of all the same things.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Having a catalog party

I need just a couple more orders to have a full order. Please if you need anything, check it out. Just go to http://www.mythirtyone.com/RoseBrewer/ Click on "MY EVENTS" then out beside the name Nichole Sharp, click on "SHOP NOW" Remember for EVERY $31 you spend, you get a purse 1/2 off.

weight loss

Ok, so since I started having kids, I have honestly gained------125 pounds!!!! I am sick about it, but I have honestly tried to lose some. It just does not come off. I have taken just about every over the counter  diet pill that there is out there. I have tried the stuff that you sprinkle on your food and it is suppose to take the weight off without exercise. Dont get me wrong, I dont mind working out, BUT I refuse to spend money (that we do not have) on a gym membership. I have 4 kids. I dont have the money. I have a Wii, with the Wii Fit Plus, and I also have the Just Dance. It is just making myself do it EVERYDAY. Even if its just a little bit. I cant seem to do it. I pray every day that today will be the day I lose weight. I hate the way I look in the mirror. I will be honest here, when I picture myself in my head, I see someone completely different than what I see when I look in the mirror, or in pictures. I am not asking to drop 100 pounds in 2 months, but when I do lose some weight, I would love to keep it OFF!!! But NOPE it comes right back, and sometimes it brings about 5 of its friends! Around my period time, I lose anywhere from 6-10 pounds, but during and after, it is right back. I did really good one month. I lost I think 9 pounds in 2 weeks or so, but blinked and it was all right back. Am I the only one that struggles this bad? Most likely not. But man do I feel so badly when I am so happy and post that I have lost for every one to see, then less than a week later I step back on the scale and it is all right back. So I sit here and think I am not just obese, I am morbidly obese according to the last dr that decided since she weighed only 95 pounds soaking wet, that every one else has to be that small too. And having the surgery to lose the weight fast is NOT AN OPTION!!!! For one, I know my insurance will not pay for it (they dont even want to pay for us to see the dr sometimes). Two, from what I have heard, they want you to try to lose weight on your own for a few weeks before they will try. (well come on now, if I could do it on my own, dont you think I would be doing it?) Three, just who is going to take care of my family while I am recovering?
So in summery, I hate trying to lose weight, but man I WOULD LOVE TO!!!! Anyone have any good ideas??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Ok, I have spent most of my day doing laundry. I wonder how may other Stay-as-home-moms spend most of their day doing laundry? I know that on average most families do at least 1 load a day. I know that I average that and we have 6 people in this house. I wonder just how much money we spend on laundry detergent? I am not talking about fabric softener, water, or electricity. Just the washing powders!?!?!? Do you know? I had no clue, but I can honestly say I now I do. I make my own. I average about $0.39 a load, JUST IN WASHING POWDERS. Can you imagine? I have been making mine for a little over a year, and I cant even figure up all the money I have saved! So lets see if we can figure it up: a big box of detergent is what $10.50? The stuff I use is Borax which is about $6.00 a box (depending on where you buy) Washing Soda which is about $5.00 a box (depending on where you buy) and Ivory soap which is about $3.99 for 8 bars (I think) So lets see here, we are up to about $14.99 and with that I can make enough to last me about 9 months!!! Yes that's right, I said 9 MONTHS!!!  Now I know what you are thinking, there is no way. AH but there is. I only use 1 tablespoon per load, or 2 if the laundry is REALLY dirty. I always make enough to fill up a container that holds a 5 pound bag of sugar or what not, and that last me 6 months. AGAIN I have 6 people in my house. I want to add here that I own a front loading high efficiency washer to. I also live in the country and have a septic tank. So if I can try to save that much money a day/week/month/year, why not? My husband found me the recipe. It is so simple.
We also found a recipe to make our own automatic dishwasher powders too. However we no longer use them. It leaves a powdery film on my dishes and some even come out still dirty. Even though I have a BRAND NEW dishwasher! So we started using the store bought stuff again! But I do not use the store bought rinsing agent. I use white vineger. No my dishes do not come out smelling or tasting like vineger.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Walmart carts

Ok, I am on a rant today. I pulled into wal mart to do my grocery shopping today. I always park as close as I can to the buggy thingy. So as I turn my van off, I look out the window. There is a lady that is pushing her buggy to the thing. Not a problem. I turn to look at my son and then back to the lady. She pushes the buggy to the thing, but NOT IN IT!!! I mean if you go as far as pushing it to the holder, why not just push it in? Why are you that LAZY? Just push in IN!!! Its really not that hard!!! I do it and most of the time I have 4 kids fussing in the van! That really tickes me off!! No wonder we are called the laizest nation!!!
Also, (NOTE TO WALMART) when someone does push the cart in there, the other end of the thing should be locked so that when it goes in there, IT STAYS!!! I had to chase down 8 buggies because the thing was not locked in place and the buggies came very close to hitting another car! REALLY!?!?!?

Thanks for listening to my rant for the day.
Be sure to check out my friend Crystal's blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Potty Training

So after begging and pleading with my little one to go poo in the potty, he decides to do it by himself at the worst time possible. I have been working on trying to get him in big boy undies for a couple of weeks now. I put a small potty in the living room so that he gets comfortible with going. He always hides when it is time for him to poo. So as I am fixing supper plates today, he comes in the living room and decides he is going to do it. I hear a knock on the door (yeah I was expecting company) and I come in here to answer the door. I look around and there sits my son, as pretty as you please, on his potty. I was so humilated, but could not help but laugh. So he stands up and says, "Mommy, look I poo!!!" The humilation continues!! But laughing, I praise him and go empty the potty. I come back in to my guest and she is all smiles. I feel so bad. LOL.
I know that every child is different, and every mother is different, but my advice is this, IF you can handle putting the potty in the living room to make your child comfortible with it, do it. I really feel as if little one has gotten the hang of this. I could not be prouder of him.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just getting stared.

I thought I would give this blog thing a try. I want to start off by saying I am a stay at home mother of 4 beautiful children. From time to time, I may talk about motherhood, marriage, life, cooking or just everything in general. I would love some feedback at any time.
Today has been on of those days, I got puked on at 8 am, and this afternoon ended up with a massive headache. Now that dinner is all done, I am ready for a good hot shower and BED!!.
So if you have a topic you want me to talk about, please feel free to let me know. I will gladly talk about it.
I do want to warn you, from time to time I may talk about sex. Please dont get upset if I am talking about it. I know that it is somehing private between a husband and a wife, but I will find a way to put it on here so that maybe other ladies like me will have a sholder to lean on. (Maybe...lol)