Thursday, April 28, 2011


so for the last probably 6 years, we have not had any cable or any satellite. Well the other day my phone company called and was talking to me about our internet speed. I then proceed to ask her if they planned on getting their cable back on at some time. I loved when they had cable. It was always clear and not too expensive. She informs me that we will be getting it back this June. I am so excited. I cant wait. I will get to enjoy shows like A Baby Story, and Birth Day this summer. I LOVE THOSE SHOWS!!! So while my kids are away this summer, Mommy will be able to enjoy TV time. WOO HOO!!! I just wish there was some kind of way that they would ONLY charge you for the channels you ACTUALLY watched. I mean, I know that we dont watch channels like ESPN and things like that, so if we could only pay for the ones we watch that would be the IDEAL company.

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