Thursday, May 26, 2011


So I know that I am not the only woman who suffers from PMS. I absolutely hate the time of the month. My husband says we only have 2 weeks (at the most) a month of the nice me. He says the week before my period and the week of my period are the worse weeks of EVERY MONTH. I have to agree to a point. I am grouchy, angry, crying at the drop of a hat, and just all around BLAH!!! Well from time to time, I keep telling myself that I will not do all of the above this month. I will not be a witch with a capital W!!! But then he picks at me until I am that way. Then gets mad and yells he wishes I would just quit breathing. (no he does not mean it, but he has told me that before)
Do you ever notice that you husband seems to have PMS too? I mean he gets very grouchy, angry and just down right nasty!!!! Yes ladies men have it to. Its NOT ALL YOU!!!! However if you ask you husband when he is being this way if he is having his time of the month, he gets even worse. Trust me ladies, HE DOES HAVE IT TO!!!! Just watch, I think I have mine figured out exactly when mine has his. I think his is 2 weeks after mine. Yep. So got to love the new time of the month!!!

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