Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of school

Well here we are. Today was the last FULL day of school for my kids. They have to go Saturday to get their report cards. I know that sounds crazy, but we had several snow days then had several flooding days that the kids missed. So we had to add 2 days to our normal school year. I was planning on giving them a special treat. So tonight I am making one of their favorite dinners. My oldest asks me just about every night if I can make Lasagna and usually I wont, because I dont have all the stuff. But tonight she has no clue that I am surprising her with her favorite dinner. I have thought about doing different things to make the start to summer a great one. I have though about putting streamers in the door way so that when my kids walk into the house they are brought into a fun zone, but I still have not made it to do that. One day I will!!!! Got to love ideas that never seem to get put into action. I feel so bad about not doing it, but the kids know nothing about it, so that kinda lightnes the feeling.


So I know that I am not the only woman who suffers from PMS. I absolutely hate the time of the month. My husband says we only have 2 weeks (at the most) a month of the nice me. He says the week before my period and the week of my period are the worse weeks of EVERY MONTH. I have to agree to a point. I am grouchy, angry, crying at the drop of a hat, and just all around BLAH!!! Well from time to time, I keep telling myself that I will not do all of the above this month. I will not be a witch with a capital W!!! But then he picks at me until I am that way. Then gets mad and yells he wishes I would just quit breathing. (no he does not mean it, but he has told me that before)
Do you ever notice that you husband seems to have PMS too? I mean he gets very grouchy, angry and just down right nasty!!!! Yes ladies men have it to. Its NOT ALL YOU!!!! However if you ask you husband when he is being this way if he is having his time of the month, he gets even worse. Trust me ladies, HE DOES HAVE IT TO!!!! Just watch, I think I have mine figured out exactly when mine has his. I think his is 2 weeks after mine. Yep. So got to love the new time of the month!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ok, I have probably already talked about it once here, but I am going to talk about it again. I am trying to be a great couponer. (if thats even a word) So my cousin gave me some coupons for $2.00 off Heinz ketchup. So Walmart had it for $1.98. Guess what??? I got 6 bottles of it. Well then the same cousin gets coupons for save $1.00 off 2 boxes of Cremett pasta. Well Krogers had it if you bought 10 boxes you got it for $0.49 each. That night I ended up getting 20 boxes of pasta, and 3 more bottles of ketchup and I only spent...wait for it....$1.07. YES!!!!! So the next day I went to a different Krogers and got 20 more boxes of pasta, 3 more bottles of ketchup, I also had a coupon for a free box of Cheerios and a coupon for a free bottle of Kraft Dressing. I also got 2 cans of spaghetti sauce and I only spent...wait for it....$3.38!!!! ARE YOU BELIEVING THIS???? I was so excited. I now have 40 boxes of pasts and a total 12 (40 oz) bottles of ketchup!!!

So now I ask YOU, is there a certain place you get your coupons?
I go to and another one that I cant think of right now. WHERE DO YOU GO???